Kendall Tetsworth

Gentle Yoga | Yin | Hatha

Kendall is a compassion-focused human being with a deep dedication to the practice and study of Yoga and Zen meditation. Their life trajectory has taken them on a path of profound introspection that has led them through many paradigm shifts. Yoga has encouraged them to be a perpetual student of life - with mindfulness at the helm. Kendall teaches from a strong center of compassion, connection and returning home to ourselves through the balance of movement and stillness. Years of navigating mental health challenges gave them the strength and courage to dive deeply into the shadow work that led directly to their love of Yin Yoga and an ever-growing understanding of balance.

Their teaching style invites a mind-body connection in the present moment by creating and holding a safe, open and supportive space in class. It allows each of us to be present in our unique experience, and to show up and connect with our most vulnerable and authentic selves.

Kendall is known for cultivating spaces that encourage people to fall in love with themselves, and move from a place of awareness, kindness, and ease in the present moment.